Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pain in the butt- setback!!!

All setbacks during hard training are a pain in the butt!! I had a good week going before the pain in the butt setback visited me! I flew out to Utah to do the Moab 1/2 with the clint, jimmy, scott and tyler. I trained during the week and on Thursday Jimmy and I went down to St george so I could ride the course. We headed down early Thursday morning and I started at the water and rode to the Vejo store- 50 miles. The ride went good and I felt pretty strong. I kept a good pace and rode steady. Jimmy was a good support partner and helped made it possible. We finished up and headed to In and Out and enjoyed a burger!! We then headed to Moab for the race on Saturady. We had a really good time there and the race went good for me. I locked in at a good pace and then at mile 9 i had to pee so i stopped and Scott kept going and I was to catch up so I peed and took off. I couldnt catch him where I thought i should so I assumed he picked up the pace to leave me. I caught him at mile 11 and was putting the hammer down- 7:20 pace so I just continued the pace to finish line. It felt really good and took heart rate to 160 and held it there. My legs and all felt good. We all went out to dinner and had a good visit!! I will leave my pain in the butt setback alone for now!!! I am off to weak week of training due to setback but will report something next week. Race time was 151.36, 8:28 pace and the last 4 miles were 7:30 pace.

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