Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Pain in the butt...

Had a pretty painful week of training! Due to a very painful situation involving a certain body part in which I smash as I sit on the seat of my bike made riding extremely painful!!! I had a 5 hour ride, a 3 hour ride, and a 2 hour ride to complete this last week. I completed the rides but suffered extreme pain!! I did make a trip to the Doctors office and exposed myself to him for help!! He helped some. Also, I still cant stand to pedal due to a knee problem so that made the ride more painful due to staying seated the whole time. Of course all rides were completed on the indoor trainer due to snow etc. My long run this week was an 16 miler with lots of hills like the st. george course. My knees had a rough time with the hills. My (2) two plus mile swims went pretty good. Overall it was a pretty good training week and my body is holding up pretty good! Mentally I am trying to stay tough but all this indoor training makes it pretty hard. So each day I am getting closer to race day and not really sure how my body will perform!! I need to not worry about it because its is out my hands- all I can control is how much and how hard I perform my training! Lets hope its enough!! Keep you posted!

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