Monday, March 1, 2010

Another week down..

Well another week of training has past!! Not really sure how many more weeks of this indoor training I can handle. Snow Snow Snow that's all we know!! This week I put in a couple of two miles swims, I had a 4 hour bike ride for my long ride and my long run was 14 miles. I did 1.5 hour bike and then jumped off and ran on treadmill for 1.5 hour. I had an easy run on Tuesday and easy bike on Thursday. This week was good on the amount of training I put in. My knees are tender but they are holding up. I lost 5 pounds so that helps some. Well I cant wait to get this thing done so life can get back to normal for all. I am taking my bike out to the Moab half marathon this month so I can ride the St. George course again and see how I perform. Should be interesting!! I will post again next week.

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