Monday, March 15, 2010

Body still holding....

Well another week has past and still no injuries!! My body is holding up and the knees are hanging in there. I do have a lot of pain during the nighttime which keeps me awake but seems to ease up during the day. I had a big week of training with a long brick on Friday. I swam 1:20 min swim at 5:30 am and then went home to ride the bike 6 hours which included some steep hills and then I ran for 30 minutes!! It was a long day of training. I had a rest day the following day and my body needed it. Overall not a bad week of training but tough mentally with thoughts of "Why do i put my body through this?" I have those thoughts a lot. However I did get to ride outside for a few hours this week and that felt really good!! I needed to get outside!! I am heading to Utah to run the Moab half and do a training ride in St. George on Thursday. I am excited about riding the course! Well one more week down and cant wait to get this done!!

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