Sunday, February 21, 2010

Still hitting it....

Well I had a pretty good week of training. I did 2 mile swims on monday and friday. I got 3 runs in and 3 bike rides this week. I had a 5 hour ride on trainer Saturday and that was tough. I would say more mental tough then physical. Except my butt was screaming with pain!! I mean real PAIN!!! I kept heart rate 135 for the whole ride. Today I had my long run which was 13 miles and I kept that at 9:16 pace with some good hills. Legs were somewhat tired from the 5 hour ride the day before. Still working on fluid control and getting closer to the ideal fluid intake. T training is getting harder and harder due to winter and snow. I cant wait to be able to ride outside!!! My heart rate is dropping a few beats and allowing me to keep the same pace so that has to be contributed to the altitude tent!! That is good news. Plus my weight has dropped to 155 lbs. Keep you posted!!

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