Monday, November 9, 2009


I have given a lot of thought about the idea of blogging in regard to my triathlon and running events. I have often thought blogging is just a way of obtaining attention or accolades for what we or others do in life! We must all ask ourselves this question "what makes us DO the the things we DO?" In every aspect of life we have certain reasons for performing everything we do!! Often we are all pretty good at judging others why they do things but we have a hard time judging ourselves why we really do things. Sometimes its just easier to leave the "why" out and just do it and not worry why!! But I have found that finding the honest truth behind the "why" is much more difficult due to actually having to be honest with oneself and your motives!!

So Why am I doing the Ironman?? Do you really even care?? I know Why I am doing the Ironman and that is what matters!! I will be happy to take a few accolades along the way due to I am human and will have weak moments of my own motivation etc. I love the support of my family and friends and have the greatest respect for others that have taken this Ironman journey for whatever reasons why they did it!!!!

So I will shut-up and get on with this Ironman Training Journal!!! See how I switched it from a blog to a journal!! Journal=(A personal record of occurrences, experiences, and reflections kept on a regular basis; a diary). Thanks, Eric